Your client developed new audio ads for their department store, and you recently launched a Programmatic Guarantee deal to support these ads. After the campaign, your client reviewed their Brand Lift Study in Display & Video 360, and unfortunately didn’t see any significant results. What’s the reason for this?

  • Brand Lift measurement isn’t supported by Display & Video 360.
  • Programmatic Guaranteed deals can’t measure Brand Lift.
  • The report won’t appear for several days in Display and Video 360.
  • Audio ads can’t measure Brand Lift.

The correct answer is:

  • Programmatic Guaranteed deals can’t measure Brand Lift.

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Barry Saltz

Barry Saltz, the author of this article is a well-established businessman. He wanted to share some tips on how a person can achieve success by generating effective leads. He has given a lot of emphasis on local lead generation.